Alhamdullilah, Samaah is doing better each day with the help of the heart/lung machine. The doctors are pleased with her progress and feel she is ready for the surgery. They are also trying to ensure that after the surgery she will no longer require the heart/lung machine to help her breathe/pump blood.
However, the doctor performing the surgery has 2 other surgeries scheduled today, so it may be performed tomorrow insha Allah. Allah knows best.
Also, the doctors have informed Hassan and Naila of the risks/complications that stem from this type of surgery. There are a lot of unknown variables that can prove to have consequence, so insha Allah please keep making lots of dua for Samaah and her parents.
However, the doctor performing the surgery has 2 other surgeries scheduled today, so it may be performed tomorrow insha Allah. Allah knows best.
Also, the doctors have informed Hassan and Naila of the risks/complications that stem from this type of surgery. There are a lot of unknown variables that can prove to have consequence, so insha Allah please keep making lots of dua for Samaah and her parents.
At August 30, 2006 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Assalamu alaikum,
Dear Hassan & Naila, and respected Kibria family --
First of all, congratulations on the birth of beautiful Samaah. I pray Allah may shower your families with happiness and blessings. Ameen.
It is hard for me & my family to learn of Samaah's condition. Hassan, Naila, have patience and hope in the mercy of Allah. The tough times are soon to be over.
May Allah make this condition & test a source of glad tidings to come for this lovely couple, dedicated to Allah's deen. Ameen.
Farooq Khan
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